every once in a while i go on a dick francis jag, even though i have read most of them at least twice, some i have read at least five times. they are always a good read. fonner park is not quite newmarket- where i actually saw a race- nor is it as great as aksarben, but it is racing.
at the beginning of the month i read show of ashland. it is an okay book but will not keep it. just doesn't have staying power. but the mystery book was great. there are more in the library so will try to read some more of those. but i probably won't buy any. i picked up a copy of the last juror by grishom.. so that will be my next book.
dairy workers think there job is hard... how would you like to ride two to three races in the mud having mud slather your face about an inch deep, tear off layers of throwaway covers on your googles, and still try to get your horse that doesn't like to run in the mud---horses don't like mud in their faces either, mostly--to the finish line. at least it was over 50 degrees. saw offspring of secretiat...handsome horse but didn't win. the center of the track attracts geese with its little pond. make lots of noise when the wheel around in the sky but the horses don't seem to mind! i had fun.... no mud in my face but did drop my program in a puddle. i think if you are just having fun you just need to pick the horse by name. works just as well as looking at the program.