
spearfish creek - south dakota

04 October 2006

gifts two

more than one person understands what i like....we share a number of likes, art, music (but different types), our kids, travel, books, books, and horses. so the gift she gave me for my birthday was a book. it was one by ben green. i had read several of his books and had given several to my grandfather. but sadly they did not get passed on to me or my sister when he passed away.. so the book was for me and to share with my sister when i finished reading it. it will be in our bookcase upstairs where we are going to put all the books that make us look smart. the romances will be downstairs or farmed out to friends. it isn't that we don't read the books upstairs.....we do.... it isn't just for show. ......altogether....well when you are old you kinda want people to know that your brain isn't dead.....

01 October 2006


often gifts reflect what the giver perceives as something you want but based on what they themselves think they would like to get. My daughter is really good at really thinking about what people would like as a gift as shown by her gift of a horse book to me for my birthday. :) But others are not so perceptive. Take for example, the gifts given me by Dennis Rodman - my cat. Yesterday I was taking a much needed nap, the back door was open so the cats could go in and out. In the middle of my nap I heard a meow. When I woke, I looked over at the gift Dennis brought me. A 2 1/2 food garter snake, alive and unhurt. I know he thought it was a very special gift. It was one he would really like to get. Just think of the fun. Well Mr. Snake found himself flung with great vigor back outside to the middle of the unmown meadow that is my backyard. I can only appreciate the thought of that gift, whereas I will really enjoy reading about Secretariat!