went to a nice little town church sabbath to give the offering appeal. must be 75 or less members. solid color wavy glass windows surviving another century cast jewel pools of light on the pews which were wooden, but covered with home made cushions. the covers were flannel and almost flour sack patterened. i chose to set on a bare place only because i thought they might be saved places for the members. old new england churches actually had little boxed in seats for families. everyone was old and older. there was a sweet innocence in their responses to the lesson and they have weathered enough to have steadfast faith no matter what happens. even though they were quite conservative, ladies wore slacks--i would too, to keep warm and it is a lot easier to put on trouser socks than pantyhose ( an invention of the devil, i must say--terribly unsexy). they have potluck every sabbath; this week included beets (yum), mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, several pasta salads, muffins, some mystery cassaroles, and unidentifable desserts. the pastor who has several churches, i have heard him before, never fails to mention the swing from legalism to saved by grace. i think he always brings it up when he sees me--we stand askew. (working on the use of perfect in the bible, to give him--but then maybe not) there are several in this area who believe we can be perfect (with or without help from above) for him saved by grace is interpreted by people as license to do anything. it seems to me to be rather arrogant to think you can be perfect. i don't see many people being translated nowdays. what a heavy burden. saved by grace is freedom from worry, from carrying the load. not license to do whatever. it seems to me if people have some understanding of the gift given, they will try to be better with help in response to the gift.
and then there is that whole mishmash of what are the basic beliefs. 27? probably not. a lot simpler than 27 but as complex as infinity.