
spearfish creek - south dakota

07 July 2005

what life has come to

well, if you look at the link you will see a picture of ge's new engine. and links to pictures. i am so excited.... i saw a very long stack train go by the other day with 6 new engines. wow! i need a life


k2h said...

You saw a GE aircraft turbines on a train? how cool. I think that industry has been a little down in recent years.

when I was doing a lot of flying I was on a plane with GE engines. I wasn't sure if that made me happy or scared.

Unknown said...

no no no no .... you're so silly..... ge makes diesel electric engines for trains........ didn't you look at the pictures..... click on the little light house......

Unknown said...

very pretty engine. i like it! makes me want to go watch trains, but we probably don't get anything worth a new engine like that.

k2h said...

ah.... I didn't see the link.

only 12 cyl? wow, those must be HUGE (like fit a small child inside)

I like how it has 400gals of lubrication oil. my car takes 1 gal. so lets see, my car is 90hp, so 400*90=36,000

so as far as hp / oil ratio (whos ever heard of that, I dunno) my car wins!!!!