
spearfish creek - south dakota

20 August 2005

less students - smaller excursion

there is a rhythm to everything i think. we move along lines without thought or knowledge. we have fewer students this year and usually the outing to the camp is all day friday and sabbath with sunday being spent at a lake nearby. this year the camp only had a half day of work so the students went to school for half a day and then to the camp. it worked out perfectly as it rained all morning long and just quit before the arrival of the troup. because of the small number it was easier to pack up in the evening and travel back to school where the plan is have a mini olympics on the ball field or the gym. then sleep late and have a 10 o'clock brunch... good idea.... then go to island oasis water park in grand island. there was never that much to do at the lake ... mostly staff had to walk around and make sure there weren't groups of kids in secluded areas. so everything meshed together rather nicely. now if my mind can tune into the rhythms of setting up the grade program tomorrow morning. i will be happy.

there is something about that camp my body does not like. the first year was okay, but last year something was wrong with my inner ear and everytime i stood up i felt like throwing up and was very dizzy. went away after i was back on campus. this year i have an ear infection for which i am talking medicine that cost 100 dollars. thank goodness for insurance. i only had to pay 16. am allergic to penicillin so he gave me a cephalosporin antibiotic. hope it works, my ear is weeping. maybe my body is in tune with glacier view and can't adjust to a flatland camp.

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