
spearfish creek - south dakota

20 December 2005

keeping up

From a distance you will see tall silos and some metal buildings and it looks pretty nice. as you drive closer however you see that there is a struggle to keep things in order. it seems as soon as something is new it starts deteriating. it is just a few magical moments that something is almost perfect. this door had been minorly attacked by students driving a little front end loader carrying feed to the cows, but nothing like the attack by the feed truck delivering the feed to the building. you can understand 14 and 15 year olds not quite making it through the door, but a licensed driver? what was he thinking?

the next question is how long will the door look like this? will it ever get fixed. there may have been an actual door that could close the opening, but that was long gone by the time i arrived. i wonder how it disappeared? there are so many things that need fixing around here. windows replace, roofs fixed. the art room roof finally is fixed so it doesn't make lakes in the room when it rains or the snow melts. needs more loving care though. mice can come in in droves under the front door. sometimes when we are working i will see one race along the wall, very fat--actually it is a waddle run. once we made paper machie masks and set them out to dry and when we came back the next day the mice had eaten all the paper off the wire structure used to shape the masks. buggers.


cynthy said...

We had a mouse in our art room at OLL. Had the janitors set a trap for him. Of course we felt lucky to have an art room and of course it was in the older part of the building!
It takes $ to keep things up and religious schools seem to be hard put to keep enough $ around. Oh well, you couldn't have taken the picture if it were fixed, could you?

Unknown said...

i wonder if the guy even had his comm. dl? or maybe he had some egg nog for breakfast...
there is hardly a place that doesn't have its problems. there is a black widow living in the basement lab. i think i'll take the spider over the mice.

k2h said...

your art projects should be decorating sprung mousttraps with bait. that way when the mouse comes to investigate he gets it.

an alternative could be using mouse traps as building blocks for sculptures. then the students can arm their sculptures and see which is most effective at 'pleaseing' mice

maybe a trap company would sponsor you? if you took pictures of the art and put it on a blog it may be good advertisement!