
spearfish creek - south dakota

02 January 2006

phone trap

the phone is lost. i let the battery die before i realized it was missing. since i don't have a land line, i went to the local dispenser of cells and got a new one. the nifty prices are for first time users. then they pull you into a longer contract by "giving" you a discount on the phone. contrary to my sister's opinion, i bought the cheapest one i could get that was a flip phone. the only one they had in stock was PINK. can you imagine me and pink.

i am going to make a little purse with a snap handle --for jean belt loops -- the ones in the stores are all glittery or 50's prints. i didn't like the prints then and they have not aged well.

the big thing is recollecting all the phone numbers and entering them. since i have the same number, i am hoping people will call and then i can just save the number.

i cut down the number of hours but added some roaming hours because this particular provider does not cover western nebraska and the black hills. when i move i will have to change. then i can get a cheap phone with lots of stuff :)

what they need to invent is a little long powered gadget of some kind that starts beeping when the power is almost gone. beeping loudly for people like myself. or i could train my cats to be search cats, like they have search dogs for people and drugs, i will train dennis to find my phone. right.


Unknown said...

i really think denis could learn to find your phone... if he wanted to. the two cats are probably laughing because they hid your phone somewhere.
pink... uck. oh well. at least it is visible amist anything else that you own.

cynthy said...

Pink! :) Nice. Somewhere I have a red holder for a cell phone; unless I had a wild moment and threw it away. If you rubbed catnip on the phone, Dennis might be able to find it. Right! When you least expect it, Dennis will come carrying your phone to you.
I forget where I put mine, too. Or it is in the bottom of my purse and I cant find it fast enough.