
spearfish creek - south dakota

09 April 2006

being thrifty

my nephew just moved his business to a new place and requested a wreath for the wall. since i needed to have a display for the music conference of young students, i decided to combine the two projects. so first i used all of the flowers for the music program.... i got minus points from my distance employers for not doing anything last year. it was a matter of money. since i am using these for another project it didn't cost my close or distant employers anything.

just about when i was going to weld them into a wreath, i found out there was a big board meeting. so reconfigured everything, took out the flags and the gold stars.

no it is all at home and i have about 2 days to make a wreath before i travel northwest...... and do my taxes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did the flowers make it into a wreath? did the wreath make it to the shop?