
spearfish creek - south dakota

10 May 2006

the art of saying no

you would think that by my age i would know how to say no. i am not volunteering to do anything from now until the middle of summer. my house is a disaster area, my lawn needs mowing, and the ironing is really, really piling up. so what brought all this on? i volunteered to make photo collages of the campus and students for leaving personnel. i volunteered to teach a girl how to drive a stick shift, i volunteered to sponsor the kids who wanted to make mother's day cards, i volunteered --sort of--to buy the gifts for the going away people. what was i thinking. my regular job entails checking classes and transcripts for students at the end of the year, making my own tests, and grading them, making sure the seniors have everything in place, and i have all the reglia....which reminds me, i volunteered to do the seniors weekend handout program. urggghhhh!


k2h said...

I see it as more the art of caring. Thats why one has to retire at the end of their life.. they care too much!

Life is a logical progression of taking on more and more responsibility. well.. maybe not. with that argument one could argue if you took on no responsiblity you'd live forever but I think the opposite is true.. you'd die in some semi tragic accident at 18.

yup.. time for you to retire... or you could pull the wild card out "oh...... I forgot!" and probably get away with it.

Unknown said...

i forget a lot ..... not on purpose....that is the sad part!!!!!!

Unknown said...

sigh... all worthy projects. i too am prone to wanting to help people. at least some of the stuff is kinda related. maybe you can get the student that you teach to drive stick to mow your lawn. and uh get students to grade thier own tests, ahhaha.
good luck. i hope you get to the middle of the summer without exploding.

cynthy said...

Well sis, not being able to say 'no' must run in the family. If we didn't do so much and help so much, you know we would be bored to tears. I like Jen's idea of having driving student help with the lawn. Seems fair to me. Time trading. Hand in there.