
spearfish creek - south dakota

27 July 2006

toad house

i was reading about global warming when i ran across an article about toad houses. you just have to make a hole in a clay pot at the edge, turn it upside down in the garden and provide a saucer of water and presto--instant bug snappers. just have to convince my sister. i know she doesn't like snakes, but i don't know how she feels about toads.

it was sort of a coincidence that i rented the movie the day after just two days before about global cooling. sort of scary. so which is it? warming? or cooling? or first one and then the other?

1 comment:

k2h said...

too hot, too cold, either way if the weather is inhospitable it will dramatically change how we function.

I tend to think limited the energy hitting the earth is easier than increasing it, so i'll go with global cooling.