
spearfish creek - south dakota

25 August 2006


for four days i wandered around the hotel at oprey land in nashville courtesy my employers. there were three coverec court yards filled with water features and tropical plants. it was cooler and drier than outside, but certainly not as dry as colorado. it was very relaxing. meet lots of old friends and teachers from years past. since this is my last convention it was nice that i could go. i am retiring at the end of this year....i think. so if the convention was scheduled for next year i would have missed it. i saw the ann, english teacher at campion who has been unretired for two years now and mr. williams who i think is never going to retire. also met people who had taught in boulder when i was there...paul and deann, del, and students, caleb c who is now going to be a teacher, and old classmates from union- barb s. a nice goodbye. ps. i actually did go to meetings and learned about hunters' registrar program.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the courtyards look like way fun to hang out in. something i would want to have at home, but couldn't possibly upkeep. so fun to visit and read in.

did you tell mr. williams i have my phd? i keep meaning to send him a postcard saying thanks since he was someone who really believed in me (besides parents, who should believe in me but sometimes you don't know if they are just parents or you really deserve that support =).