
spearfish creek - south dakota

05 February 2007


shall i sell the jeep and buy a new honda fit or civic......or maybe a used honda.... probably could get a good price on a honda civic.....
could haul things in cyn's she would appreciate that... but on the other hand if we go on trips the honda would get a lot better gas mileage.
this is really difficult for some reason.
i have checked out the new car specs several times and it always comes up as honda as really being the best choice.

hmmmmmmmmmm i just ought to bite the bullet and do it..

part of the problem is that i said i would never own a station wagon or van and i just discovered that the fit is classified as a mini station wagon. sigh

might as well give in the wagon idea. have to wear old lady
ke. shoes now because of my feet... just going to the old age home faster than a spring snowflake melts.


Unknown said...

now now... you aren't going into an old folks home yet. and the station wagon isn't the bad thing it used to be. getting good gas mileage is the 'in' thing because it is kind to the environment. so really by buying it you are being YOUNGER. =).

cynthy said...

The coolest car we had was a 55 Chevy Nomad Station Wagon. We all loved that car. Traveled many miles and had lots of fun. The kids still talk about it.

Economy is the 'in thing', I agree. Of course my son, the car salesman, says he can find any car you desire. He is going to find some kind of Saab for James. I'll have to check into that more.

Old folks home??? Remember.. we wanted to become characters as we got more mature. Characters can do anything and get away with it. Sounds like we are in for some fun times!

Anonymous said...

perhaps something fun and gas frendly (hmm gass) anways how about the civic cupe

This Car!

having fun is important. so why not...

k2h said...

we have been talking in class that honda is TERRIBLE in japan, people over there much prefer toyota or mazda (mazda?!! thats what I said)

i'm starting to wonder if toyota is better.

Unknown said...

the honda coupe is very nice ... two doors a hassle though... remember our honda.... so why don't the japanese like the honda.... it always gets good reviews over here? curious.

Anonymous said...

Mazda? wow thats odd some Mazda models are made by ford. very odd. My Honda has been excellent but there are lemons from all the makers. wonder if its just a culture thing and not a view based on the quality of the care....