
spearfish creek - south dakota

03 March 2007

bird clouds

on my way to church i noticed a black cloud or drift of smoke on the horizon. ever curious, i kept glancing in that direction as i headed to kearney. when it kept changing shapes and directions i looked for the nearest county road going south. it happed to go over three tracks and there was a train stopped about a block and a half from the crossing. looking to the left and seeing nothing i crept forward to peek around the stopped train which of course, was on the middle track. just forward enough to see a little ways down the track....i saw a train coming. so i backed up as fast as possible. even if i had stayed where i was i would have been okay. the train on the middle track was not moving. that was definately a track where there should have been an electronic crossing guard.

after the train was on its way i drove to the flock of migrating birds. it was a mixed band of geese and ducks. i think i have to get up a little earlier to see the cranes. but i did get some decent pictures for only have a little digital camera. i will have to start carting around the 35 m with my telephoto lens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's a lot of birds! and i'm glad you didn't get run over by a train :p