
spearfish creek - south dakota

25 April 2007

bible study dangerous

i usually try to avoid the local bible study. life is calmer if i don't go. but this weekend for some reason i wound up in class. they were studying prophecy. the discussions wandered wildly away from the subject even though the teacher --politely tried to return to the topic again and again. a lot was said about those "californians" and those people who didn't study the prophecies and instead emphasized relationship with GOD. i kept my mouth shut as much as possible. discussion what people wear or not wear to church is a non issue and a waste of time. (not even close to any one of the commandments) but my body paid the price. it kept getting stiffer and stiffer and when i went to get up i twisted weirdly and wound up with a pulled or strained muscle. i have been trying to get rid of the pain since then. so finally, wednesday afternoon i went to the doctor and got some muscle relaxer. i am subbing for a teacher this week besides doing my own classes and it is alumni weekend. i can't be out of commission. i plan to stay away from adult bible study and stay with the youth bible study.

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