
spearfish creek - south dakota

06 April 2007

horse business

a couple of weeks ago i stopped by the county fair grounds in buffalo county to see a horse auction. it wasn't just any old auction. they were selling bucking stock...horses on friday and bulls on saturday. so they had an area set up with chutes etc and volunteer riders. before you bought you got to see the horse buck and there was a screen set up so while the bidding went on they replayed the ride. i only got to see some of the first rides. the stock was from canada! they have been breeding bucking stock for years.

as you might expect since there are not they many owners of bucking strings for rodeos, there weren't that many bidders. but i actually knew one of the bidders. my sisiter's late husband's brother was sitting just behind me with several of his friends from the wounded knee area.

life is so weird.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the world is way too small!!