
spearfish creek - south dakota

14 April 2007

my kids

recently i visited my son and daughter-in-law in illinois. it seems they are following one of the current trends in our church. very small church gatherings or home churches. their group is meeting is a chapel on campus and the chapel is very nice. my son runs the sound system which they probably don't need for such a small group except that he records the service and posts it as a pod cast which gets visited often. pretty cool.

my daughter and her husband and their study group almost started a small home church. and our church here is about to become a home church or small church. it is pretty small right now but during the school year their are the students. now that the school is closing there will be about 10 members. there is a larger church 30 miles to the east and and to the west which would be easy enough to join, but they want to keep their small group.

so it seems that the trend is either a large megachurch or a small home church.

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