
spearfish creek - south dakota

08 September 2007

my new digs

So far this is how my new home looks. trying to get my most essential stuff in my room.

it sort of feels like a collage dorm room. the beginning of your life and the ending are sort of parallel. trying to keep it neat though. the bookcases serve as my desk storage. notice the cats fighting. they all ignored the baskets when the baskets were on the floor even though they slept in them at the old place. as soon as i put them on top of the tables, the basket wars began.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe sorta dorm roomy but definitely more sophisticated (shoot spelled that wrong but accidentally added it to my dictionary, now have to figure out how to spell it right the long way) than a college. i really like where you hung your art. overall the room has a homey feel even via pictures.