
spearfish creek - south dakota

01 October 2007



Donna said...

Deadwood is dead alright!

Unknown said...

it is clear that donna and i have different ideas when it comes to photos. there was a book festival in town, the beginning of octoberfest, a weiner dog race on main street, plus all the gambling houses were open.

i had to wait until the streets were clear to get pictures of the architecture. i wanted to get a picture of the atmosphere of the the little cafe where we ate lunch. we had to wait until the book people left to get the picture.

deadwood is alive and kicking!

Unknown said...

i confess to two things...

1. i was disappointed when the pictures didn't match anything from 'deadwood' on hbo... i know it has long since become more than that ramshackle, but i wanted to see... i dunno what.

2. i like the old buildings in the bottom picture and the castle-like school in the first. not too tall, but not one story. one has a balcony to watch parades or people. people sitting on a bench on the street. awnings from buildings stretching over the sidewalks. nothing at all like what we have in so. cal. i guess i'll just have to visit!