
spearfish creek - south dakota

26 December 2007


i had this post all typed and mr dennis jumped up and landed on the keyboard and my hands where typing and the whole thing disappeared!

my sis and i had a relatively quiet christmas. we went to one of her sons for christmas eve and had home made noodle soup with butterballs (some sort of dumpling that is rich enough to give you a double heart attack). christmas day we went to her other son's wife's family for christmas dinner. so we didn't have to cook.

however, my sis made springerle and sunflower cookies. her middle son came over with his son on sunday and they all worked on making lefse. my sis bought a ricer for the potatoes. it is really cool. i think it will get used a lot. i made a small batch of pizzelles to give as house gifts.

since i am retyping this i am going to leave out the part of about excess of gifts for kids and tying to simplify my clothes closet (not a walk in like tv).

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