
spearfish creek - south dakota

24 January 2008


it has been very cold for the past two weeks. according to the farmer's almanac my sister picked up, we are not in for a break until march. brrrrrr. when it is really cold--below 30--i warm my bed up with the electric blanket before climbing in. i also have to wear a sweater under my robe and socks to keep warm while walking around the house in the evening. you know it is cold in your house when butter stays firm. we try to keep the thermostat upstairs at 60 and the one downstairs at 50. the plants don't seem to mind, although our christmas catus is confused and after blooming profusely at thanksgiving, it seems to be getting ready to bloom again. dennis, my cat, who came from the desert as a kitty, wants to sleep under the covers or under the blanket i put on my legs when i watch tv.

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