
spearfish creek - south dakota

15 January 2008

day of surprises

the cats decided that they needed to play at 6 in the morning--which isn't early for working folk--but if you are retired, it is too early. sam and cc were playing and dennis was asleep at my side. cc chased sam onto the bed where he landed on dennis who promptly awoke with a start and managed to claw my lip. and i just had changed the sheets; now there are little blood spots. my lip is swollen and i should probably get a tetnus shot.

then just as i finished my tutoring session, the secretary at middle school called. a teacher's little boy had become ill--could i come in. so i dashed out of the house in with just a sweater as it was 45 degrees out. the kids were pretty good except for a few seventh graders who KNEW EVERYTHING! left notes for the teacher. poor teacher; she had to come back after school for play practice.

when i went out to drive to my afternoon job at the after school program at the elementary, it was a little colder and a little bit more windy. by the time i got to the middle school it was snowing. when i finished at the elementary school an hour later it was really cold, snowy, and windy. my sweater didn't quite keep me warm.

i knew a cold front was coming, but i thought it would be polite and wait until evening. yeah right!

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