
spearfish creek - south dakota

11 February 2008

theme supper ala "Mrs Bouquet "

i not sure what possessed us....but sis and i got started on putting together a theme dinner. she had been requested to make hot beef sandwiches ala the truck stop variety. since i usually set the table up for her meals i thought the good silver and our "best" china were probably not appropriate. to make the sandwich, put a slice of generic white bread on your plate, put down a slice or two of roast beef and top with another slice of white bread. cut in half diagonally, spread apart. Then pile mashed potatoes in the middle and cover the whole thing with gravy. that's it. tastes good, but not exactly really healthy. so i bought some cowboy cloth--neither one of us were willing to buy plastic--we each bought dollar plates that looked like truck stop plates. notice that the table has the ketchup and mustard dispensers (we bought those too), napkins in the middle with a fake flower and those slide back tops for dispensing cream. we had a good time. no beer was served. the only person who requested it was underage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like it! that sounds like a lot of fun and topping it off with the genuine fake flower is so cool!