
spearfish creek - south dakota

14 March 2008

full utilization

in order to help with global warming, my sister and i have learned to use space and utensils to their fullest.
notice the puzzle being glued, the orchid just ready to be repotted, and the noddle machine (not electric) on the table--the dinner table, i might add. on the the island we have home made noodles drying and the cookbook being held open by the drill. the ladder is for reaching the light fixtures, which we painted a coppery color instead of buying new ones; we thought the fixtures were truly ugly. you can find that particular model in any light store--it is the bottom of the line. we took off the gold rims around the bottom of the glass and covered the cheap gold finish with brownish acrylic paint. if anyone truly likes the gold they can just wash the acrylic off. also, notice we are using energy saving light bulbs. the drill is for the ceramic pot that was made without a drain hole. orchids do not like wet feet, so i drilled holes in the pot (out on the deck waiting for another hole to be drilled).

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