
spearfish creek - south dakota

12 June 2008

more rain

usually when the weather stations forcast doesn't. we have had rain for the last forever. the poor plants aren't getting enough sun to spurt into summer growth.

but the rain didn't stop the grackles from stealing all the food from our bird feeder. we have seen other birds intermittently; a blue jay, a pair of asian collared doves, a downy woodpecker and some finches. can't decide if they are rosy or house finches.

today we bought some nesting material (straw), floor covering (w00d chips), and some osyter shell for the chickens and ducks. they are quite tame because my youngest niece and nephew handle them. the ducks are a little wild.

they were all inside but one duck which the kids had to chase down and put inside so the coop could be closed for the night. the white chicken my sister is holding is thought to be a rooster. we will find out. he gets picked up quite often. you will notice that he has green legs. he or she is an aracauna (they are the easter egg chickens).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love the scurry for the duck and the way the girl is holding the chicken and how used to being held in such a way it is.