
spearfish creek - south dakota

13 August 2008

fair at nisland --butte and lawrence county

my sis and i went to the butte and lawrence county fair this morning. i was expecting lots of animals and exhibits because the boulder country fair was always stuffed with animals, people and machines. we were sadly disappointed. my sis says that when she lived here before there were tons of entries and people. it is not clear why a fair in the middle of cattle and sheep country has dwindled to almost nothing while the fair in the middle of suburbia has prospered.

we went today for the horse judging. one of our students at the after school program was showing a horse. it is the gray in the picture. the horse, jerry, used to be a roping horse, but the roper sold him because jerry was too lazy. but our student managed to get a purple ribbon anyway. it was the first time in the ring for jerry.

we also saw a tiny little girl with a curly coated pony. the pony was so calm and just followed her where ever she led it.

the fairgrounds are beautiful, too bad they are not being used except for the fair. they used to have horse races. the track is still there but overgrown with weeds. the grounds and buildings are set aside as a historical site. the octagonal building reminds me of the
chautauqua building in boulder.

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