
spearfish creek - south dakota

28 November 2008

thanksgiving holiday

my sis and i spent thanksgiving day with her family and their extended family. it was quite a group. everyone from the oldest (100) to the youngest (7) was at the same table (the reg table plus kitchen table plus a folding table). when i was young.....well, the kids sat at a different table. i am sure that was to enable the adults to tell stories not meant for little ears. it was a very pleasant day. of course, ate too much. will have to make sure and walk today.

the little green couch is gone. we have a small house and so we are trying to maximize the space by the choice of our furniture. the couch only sat two people so it was replaced by two wicker chairs. the room already looks bigger. we decided we wanted to have blue as our accent color. so the green must go. green is nice, but we both like blue better.

when i was christmas shopping i saw this little lamp for half price so i picked it up. thought it went with our western cottage theme.

today we are not shopping even though it is black friday. we went wednesday. today we are cleaning the chicken house and putting up christmas decorations and my sis is babysitting her two grandchildren. i think we will get our assigned 3 tasks done today. mom (when she was older) always bragged when she got three things done in a day. i was teaching at the time so did a lot more than 3 things. so it became sort of a joke, but now as my sis and i are getting to be that old, it is not quite the joke it used to be. we, however, still easily get our 3 a day in everyday, not just once a week or once a month.

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