
spearfish creek - south dakota

18 March 2009

what was I thinking?

another day with the after school program. i try to think of things to do that are educational, take only a small amount of time, don't use a lot of materials, and that are fun. the one thing that i do that i shouldn't is forget the age of the students. i tried playing the word game where you make up definitions to words to use with the real definition in order to bluff your opponents. what was i thinking? i got questions like....we can't do that, we don't know the definition of the word! i tried to get them to make up a def before looking it up. sigh. some wrote sentences, some stared at their paper, i wrote some, and i will never do that again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahah ya it is easy to forget how much kids don't know.

what you need to do next time is bring in weird objects and have kids make up how they are useful....