
spearfish creek - south dakota

30 October 2004

pie crust

for me late summer and fall is memory time. so last night when i was baking banana bread for the students who were coming over for a bonfire supper, i thought about my grandmother when i fluffed flour all over the mixer and counter because i added the flour too quickly. i can still see her sitting on her rolling stool in the cozy farm kitchen baking wonderful bread--with flour all around. she always complained that she could never bake without flour somehow getting onto everything. the bread was great - especially served warm with slabs of butter and tomato perserves- and always baked with out receipe. then this morning my home companion came in the mail with an article about pie crusts. --which reminded me of my daughter. i was not a good cooking instructor to my daughter, but i did help her make her first pie crust (receipe from joy of cooking slightly altered). she is famous for her pies, impressing first her dad and then her husband's family. i think knowing how to make one tricky thing well gives confidence to try all sorts of things. now she makes all kinds of dishes. so maybe i did okay by her.


Unknown said...

well i don't know about being able to do all sorts of things. my dishes are still pretty basic, though my pies usually turn out pretty good.
i still remember cooking things like cottage cheese patties with my mom. she always knew how to add things in proportions that came out with patties that tasted good and stuck together. i still can't do that. i also remember being given free reign to be messy. that was always a nice relief in comparison to some places like school. i am messy and my mum never criticized my style or weird ideas. i still enjoy crust cookies, mmm that sounds good, maybe i'll make some of those tonight.

k2h said...

i let her be messy. I've even taken to cleaning some when I get home since the mess keeps growing.

Unknown said...

good husband :)