
spearfish creek - south dakota

09 November 2004

pushing the crew

with my pentax and fuji film (vs other brands that the boss uses) i am the main photographer for the yearbook. having the telephoto lens is perfect, else you wind up with everyone posing or hiding or missing the facial expressions. friday jostens was in town and i took dozens of pictures of seniors making graduation decisions before i realized that i had no film.... arugh. so ran -- well in my case fast shuffled -- back to the house to get film out of the freezer. it worked out okay. in any case there are tons of pictures for the yearbook... they struggled over fonts....there is always something...this year the cover was an easy choice. have design pages picked out. but the biggy thing is i have only one writer. i think we were destined to help each other out though. another problem which is always a problem is TIME! only have 2 hours a month scheduled....not nearly enough. so no i am scheduling 3 hours on sundays that everyone is around. and sneaking in some other evenings during the week. mainly i need to get three people together and get the whip out...whoops... that won't work....maybe food will do it.

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