
spearfish creek - south dakota

09 February 2005

train whistles

so i am just tooling down highway 30 listening to the radio when i hear this strange intermitent sound sort coming with the music on the radio only it doesn't quite fit. immediately because i am parinoid about keeping automobiles running i think soming has gone wrong with my jeep so i am just about to turn the radio off when a big union pacific engine sneaks right up beside me and whistles. scare me off the road...almost. it was going just only a little faster than i was going so it took a while for it to get right beside me. if you wonder why i couldn't hear it above the radio.... i am a little ...well a lot deaf so i turn up the radio LOUD.

then there was the time i was driving along, no radio and the engine came right up behind me just as we both got to a crossing and it blew its whistle... another jump in the seat. they don't do the whistle thing until they are almost on top of the crossing which i don't understand. a railroad safety man that was at school for safety day said that they are supposed to do 2 longs and 2 short blasts, but that is not what they do. i have heard all variations.


k2h said...

on my commute to and from work one of my coworkers likes to try and catch me. he'll pull past and HONKKKKKKKKKKK>>>>>>>>>>> his horn for a really long time. its embarrasing. because our commutes don't always coincide it happens maybe once a month.

I am as paranoid as you are, I too do not enjoy the prospect of a dead car, but my more most parnoid attribute is that of not wanting to get hit. so I spend as much time looking out my back window as I do my front (ive been rear ended before, by an anonymous person, AND by my own brother)

as a result, my coworker never really sneeks up on me. I can see him coming a mile away in the rear view.. =)

Unknown said...

i hate it when trains or other things sneak up on you.... even though i can still hear i am surprised by stuff like that and jump.

as for the whole car might break down thing... well lets just say that i might have inherited some stuff from you =).