
spearfish creek - south dakota

30 January 2005

thanksgiving in belle

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my sister and i had the same idea... it has been traditional in our family to have three football mums on the table for thanksgiving. it started when my dad bought my great grandmother a pretty glass pitcher with lilies on it with 3 huge yellow mums in it for one thanksgiving. my grandmother got the vase and the tradition and then i got it and the tradition. so when i went to belle for thanksgiving this year i stopped in rapid and bought three mums. she had already ordered 3 mums in belle plus a nice red vase (since i had given the orginal to my daughter). so this year we had three mums in a nice red vase for thanksgiving. the vase stayed at james'.
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for some strange reason we had snowmen plates and table cloth for thanksgiving. everyone in town who was realted and friend came over. moms and dads and grandmothers and quite a crew.
i bought plates and table clothe and center pieces as a hostess gift. at any rate they will be ready for christmas too. it was a nice meal.


Unknown said...

that table cloth looks like one i got for our table!
i like snowflakes...even at thanksgiving =).

Unknown said...

i took the vase and a boquet with three large mums up to boise at thanksgiving so the tradition lives on in multiple places.

Unknown said...

great... having mums at thanksgiving is a nice tradition