
spearfish creek - south dakota

31 October 2005

getting comfy for a good read

above left is the chair that once belonged to my great grandmother, nanny. my sister own's it now (i have nanny lapel watch) and had it recovered in a whitesh tapestry that is called snowflake.

to the far right is the chair that i saw in the second had store, although i am pretty sure it is an overstock from somewhere. i laughed at it when i first saw it, but then sat in it and it is perfect for watching tv or reading a book. comfy first class. besides it has funky legs and above all it is GREEN!

this is the free green couch that goes with t he navy blue color scheme for our new house. notice the little kitty scratches right under the curl of the arms. it is chunky and comfy. just in case you didn't notice the glasses on the table are green, the receipe on the bookcase is framed in green and the plates on the table have green grass growing around the lighthouse.

we found the bar stools at Martha's place. the end tables are on loan from my nephew.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the chair looks totally different! i like the fabric though. the green and the tan/off white coordingation of the room is super. makes it look homey and clean.