
spearfish creek - south dakota

31 October 2005

house chairs

So I get easily distracted. My sister gave away her nice walnut table and chairs because of the memories associated with set. With no money to really buy a new one, her son offered her a "classic" from the 50's. Well, the chairs were from the fifties. The chair on the right shows original condition. The grease was so thick on the plastic you could cook fries for a year. ugh. The padding was so old that it was like sitting on the wood. There was no way I was going to sit on that even for a minute. So I bought some padding, vynal, and tacks at wally world and spent a day and a half redoing the chairs. Probably should have thrown them out and just bought folding chairs. Would have been less time intense and probably a little cheaper.

The bookcase behind the chair is my sister's ex. It is on loan for the occupancy of the house. Notice that it has a drawer in the bottom which mine does not.

We bought some black folding chairs at Martha's place to fill out the set. We had eight people around the table and two sitting on bar stools at the center counter for our first meal. I made colcannon and my sister made a lentil loaf.


Unknown said...

the chairs came out pretty cool actually. way better than folding chairs.

i like the drawer in the bottom of the bookcase thing... but wonder what would ever go in it.

Unknown said...

i have no idea what would go inthe drawer... it is called a barister's bookcase....maybe contracts or booze