
spearfish creek - south dakota

02 June 2006


your job should you choose to take the challenge is to figure out what is happening and why.

at lunch i looked out my window and saw a staff member fly by my house in his block is only one block long and he was really flying... inside the truck was a very fat sheep with all the wool still on. racing madly beside the truck was the staff member's yellow dog. while i was thinking about that... as far as i knew this staff member did not own a sheep.... he zoomed by again... with sheep in truck and dog chasing after.... and it happened all again one more time.

he speaks kinda slow and walks kinda slow...never seen him drive so fast.


Unknown said...

i don't know! but am curious.
was it really a sheep?
was the sheep inside the cab or in the truck bed?

Unknown said...

it was a real sheep, very wolly, in the bed of the truck!

Unknown said...


Sarah said...

I think he was sheep-sitting for a neighbor. He had the sheep in a pen, but the dog was over-anxious to meet the sheep and pushed over a rail. When the staff member realized this, he immediately rescued the sheep by putting it up in his truck bed.

The dog began to jump up, too, so he rethought the whole sheep-sitting idea and decided to take the sheep to another neighbor's place where the sheep could rest securely. So he started driving but the dog followed. He drove faster, hoping the dog would turn around and go home. Faster and faster, but the dog stayed with him. When he got to the neighbor's house, the neighbor wasn't home, so he resigned himself to taking the sheep inside to protect it, and went back home.

When he got home, he remembered that the neighbor was at work (he'd forgotten in his hurry to find a solution) but he also remembered that the neighbor always came home for lunch, arriving at noon, and departing again at 12:30. He'd just missed him! And now he'd spent most of the narrow time window driving back home, and would be hard-pressed to make it back in time. He hung a U-turn and made his way back to the neighbor's house... just in time to see the neighbor's car off in the distance, going in the direction of work.

As it ended up, he spent a lovely afternoon in the kitchen with "Fluffy" and took him to the neighbor's that evening after securing the dog.

Okay, so what's the real story? You have to ask, if you haven't already!

k2h said...

'fluffy' had just been washed and prepared for the county fair, where she was sure to win that first prize blue ribbon. all washed up, and blow dried she was escorted to the truck. this explains why she was so fluffy.

once in the truck the old yellar was mad because he wasn't being taken to the fair, so he started chasing the truck.

the staff member arrived at the main road, and dog was still following, so he had to turn around and lead the dog home so he could tie him up.

he got home, tied him and headed out again, but old yeller broke the rope and followed again. this explains the 3 trips past your window.

the reason there wasn't a fourth trip back to tie the dog up was because the staff member was so frusturated he didn't care if the dog got run over on the highway so he just kept going.