
spearfish creek - south dakota

16 November 2006

just around the corner

about the time you think things are smoothing, God...the devil, does not let you rest. we loose a student, gain a student, etc... prospects good. catch a few students breaking the rules, arrange for some community service, and counseling, progress....maybe....more things blow in with the dusty air and wham, three students gone...for the best i believe, but it is still depressing. good thing, wanted enough to be asked to stay another year.:)


Unknown said...

so they asked you to stay another yaer?

Unknown said...

they did, maybe can work out a lighter schedule, draw social security too. or not..... will see

Unknown said...

mmmm it is NICE to know you are wanted!!
and it would be kinda nice to get some extra income for a while longer.
how do you feel about being burned out?? or could you have a lighter schedule of stuff you WANT to do?

k2h said...

i say take it as a highlight year, your last big bang! try all those riska' teaching styles you always wanted and know you have nothing to lose. its the last hurra. go for it! enjoy it!

[just don't let them know that up front when you accept]

cynthy said...

Yes, hmmmm. Nice for you. Wonderful in fact. But means another year alone for me. whine, whine. THe last big bang is a great idea. That is what I did my last year as principal. Left things in great shape.