
spearfish creek - south dakota

02 June 2007

just by chance

i just happened to go to dannabrog ... nothing going on in shelton and i thought i should go there before i left nebraska as it is the home of roger welsch who used to be on cbs's sunday morning. so, they were having a tractor meet in the little town of 325. i took lots of pictures. there were not lots of tractors, but they were interesting. i walked around of course, and checked out a couple of stores looking for a souvenir. hopefully something made in dannebrog, or something danish.

the first store had stuff that seemed to be shipped in. but a bought a little old time replica of a wringer washing dollar. had little seed pearls for bubbles in the machine.

in the next store i found some paper danish christmas harts and stars made by the residents and some straw cones and stars made in sweden. good prices. one dollar for 4 hearts and one dollar for 4 stars . the straw ornaments were 5.

there was also a stack of books by welsch so i bought one. as i was waiting in line (one person in front of me) i spied what i thought might be roger sitting in front of the store. he was probably there when i walked by. i was busy taking pictures of tractors. i asked the store owner if it was roger, he said yes, i asked if he thought roger welsch would mined if i asked for an autograph. the owner said he wouldn't' mind at all. i rather gathered that mr. welsch would enjoy it.

i asked him, and he talked my leg off. i mentioned that my grandfather was a blacksmith....that was why i bought a book on horse trading. mr. welsch not only told me the background of the book but about other blacksmiths he knew. he also talked about helping shoe big horses. etc. he could have told tales all afternoon. but his friendliness is probably how he collects all the tales in the first place.

and he did sign the book.

1 comment:

cynthy said...

So cool to meet Roger. I read a couple of his books to my county school kids. They loved them. This was 3-5 grade children. [This was a while back when I was still in education].