
spearfish creek - south dakota

27 April 2008

california trip day 8

i spent sabbath with my son and his wife. they live in a gated community also. this is a picture of the apartment they rent. in case you can't tell which one is their's -- it is the one on the lower left with the satellite dish setting in front of the apartment door. they cannot attach anything to the outside of the building, nor can they attach anything to the walls inside.

you will notice, however, that the little sand lizards pay no heed to the instructions. there were several attached to the outside wall, but only one stayed in one place long enough for me to get a picture. if you get too close they scurry away in a blink.

there is a nice pool on the grounds and nice landscaping. there is also a cute little red mini that lives at the end of their street. notice the license plate.

we spent the day pretty much waiting for fedex to deliver a package that they promised to deliver. turns out they lied. they don't deliver on the weekend. but that was okay with me; it was a nice relaxing day.

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