
spearfish creek - south dakota

02 May 2008

california trip - checking out how things are

the sod that was put in almost two weeks ago in the front (replaced pretty much dirt) is doing fine. the replacement goes as far as the tree. since this community enforces its covenants, residents who do not take care of their lawn get fined 50 dollars the first week for unkempt lawns, 75 the next, etc. the picture of dirt is where my son-in-law's mother dug out the thistle stumps. so far it looks like they might not come back. but it reallly hasn't rained that much. the other picture of little green things are the stumps of the other thistles growing back new leaves and some are even blossoming. i guess they were quite high when the kids moved in. had to lower the front of the lawnmower over the weeds to even begin to cut them down.

other pictures show the chocolate walls in the upstairs bedroom. the chocolate wall is the wall that was formerly covered by stripes. if a child happened to live in that room and if that child was a girl, and if that child happened to want pink--they could have pink accessories. pink and brown is very sophisticated. but no more pink walls. probably.

the chocolate wall still needs to be edged! it really does remind one of chocolate.

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